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Our Nest Simply Us

25th July 2016: We now own a Home

27th July 2016

On the 24th July 2016, we went to visit Hana since we were still in the Hari Raya season. After that, we decided to visit Aisyah, Fithrin and Adyan….

Our Nest Simply Us

Not meant to be Ours

22nd June 2016

One morning, I was just randomly checking the HDB App once more –  to see if our bookmarked units are still available. Guess what? Unit 11-741 is taken. Oh…

Simply Us

Changing our Game Plan Yo!

14th June 2016

HDB Letter is here – and I’m not in SG to receive it. So, my mother was the one who opened it, took pictures and sent it over to…