Our thoughts when we first saw the kitchen – “Isn”t it too small to be a kitchen”? I have always seen an elongated (rectangular kitchen) but ours was fairly squarish! Nah, it’s okay, we will make do with what we have! It’s all about being grateful! We have a thing for making our home look spacious, so we decided to:
(1) forgo having a study area in the living room (we will make use of Bedroom 2 as our study/work room), and
(2) hack the kitchen wall to make the entrance of the kitchen wider and add in an island top.
We love this idea of how the flooring in the halls transits to the flooring in the kitchen! We would like to explore with this idea.
As for the storage, we learnt from a good friend of ours that we must as much as we can plan what we want to have in our drawers, cabinets and what have you. For example, we can engage a contractor to do up a hidden rubbish bin inside the cabinet. I suppose all these will come at an extra cost? No? Oh wells!
With that, this sums up the kind of kitchen we hope to have someday!