Simply Us

7 hundred!

7th November 2015


This day means something to us.
We have been together for 700 days. And we will by tying a knot in another 700 days. Coincidence?
So, if you ask me, how do I feel at the moment? I just cannot wait to begin the next chapter of my life… with him. Slowly but surely, we will get there!

I am an absolute sucker for marriage. After attending many weddings, I really do feel that marriage is one of the greatest blessings of life. After many failed attempt in trying to fall in love and then fall out of loved (and the cycle repeats), I learn to stay away from relationships for a while. To learn to love myself all over again. Love will come by naturally, when it is at the right time with the right ONE. I know I didn’t need to be with someone to have a good life and I was doing all I could to stay out of that mindset. And then comes Irman – my buddy since 13. We may not be close, but the friendship stays. From friendship, it blossoms.

Muggles say “Love”. Harry Potter fans say “Magic”.

I doubt he has time to read this blog, but if you do baby…. I would like to dedicate this blogpost to you.

Dear Irman,

I want to thank you for always loving me through my darkest days and being patient with me through thick and thin. Thank you for making me laugh when life and work gets in the way. Thank you for being my faithful listener each night after work, where I have tonnes of complaints over my days of work! Thank you for making me ridiculously happy, reminding me what it feels like to have butterflies in my stomach (I still do every time I’m patiently waiting for him to fetch me, every time i caught him looking at me). Thank you for staying even when you have every reason and every right to leave. And thank you for being my reason to look forward to the next day.

I love you because I just love you, like, I really really love you. Because it would be impossible for me not to love you. I love you without question, without calculation, without reason good or bad. Faithfully, with all my heart and soul. Love you always, in all ways.

Much love,
Nadzirah Andi.

ps: If you finally see this, beep me baby, one more time! Haha


Hi, we are Irman and Nadzirah. We love to travel around the world, especially together. Needless to say, together we find ourselves in pretty exciting experience as we travel round the world. Well, this blog is not just about travelling but to document every snippets of our life together from being just friends, to lovers to travel partners, to home owners and to many more milestones to come!