Palindrome – 71017
Apologies for the long hiatus since July. Our blog was on a minor ‘glitch‘ recently and its now all fine and dandy already!
Alright now, if you ever follow our blog posts particular the one that explains a particular number – Seven. Seven means a whole lot to the both of us. Hence, even before we were engaged, we went to look out for a nice wedding date that revolves round the number 7. And me being a Math teacher, I wanted the numbers to be link somehow. So, 7 + 10 = 17 which makes the date fairly unique and it’s a palindrome! A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or sequence that reads the same backwards as forward! How convenient is that! So back then in 2015, we have already secured the dates with major vendors like photography, videography, venue, catering, decor and wedding planner. 2 years before – kiasu but we knew what we wanted. And I am very sure Irman is my other half. My 24/7 annoying partner – no doubt and qualms about that!
As of today, we are 35 days to our wedding day! Too fast – I am feeling the jitters already. Thank God I have work and home reno to keep my mind off things that has got to do with our wedding! Now, thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat. I want the 35 days to pass fast (cos I want the wedding to be over) but at the same time, I keep on telling myself I should enjoy the whole process planning it. Consume with all the emotions (positive ones), I am safe to say I am truly excited to finally walk down the aisle with a husband by my side. It has always been him – but things happen too late. But better late than never?
Sometimes, amidst the home reno process, I find myself looking at Irman (as he prep the side table or coffee table or whatnot he has to design for our home and without him noticing) and smile to myself. Thinking – what good have I done to deserve someone so patient as him. That is why I resonate so deeply with Snape’s legendary line “After all this time? Always.” It goes to show how deep love prevails despite the years we were together as just friends. In a relationship that formed from the basis of friendship, one will treat the other like you would treat your best friend – because you will already have been the best of friends. With that, I only hope we remain friends and partners (all clingy and wrinkly) till the end of our life. Alright, before I sidetrack further, let me bring you back to the wedding….This week, we managed to give out our wedding invites, bridal selection and meet the Photobooth vendor. Of course, I couldn’t reveal the three beautiful outfits. You just have to attend the wedding and see us then! To those whom have yet to receive the cards, fret not, we just mailed it out like an hour ago! Perhaps next week? 🙂
Our invite is just very simple. Peonies and more peonies. This design will be seen in our banner and table frames!
I have started to pack our gift trays! Still very surreal at the thought of our wedding day is coming.
Over Hari Raya Haji, my Aunt and Uncle (Cik Zawik and Cik Paiman) was kind enough to have a kenduri arwah and doa selamat for September babies as well as for bakal pengantin. I really am very appreciative of them to do this for us. For now, I hope the wedding goes on smoothly with minimal hiccups along the way. Insyallah!
Apex Legends
bookmarked!!, I love your blog!
Thank you!
I located your website from Google and I need to say it was a
terrific locate. Thanks!
Thank you Alexis!