Our Nest Simply Us

All boils down to Chemistry!

5th February 2017

On the 4th February, we finally get to meet Johnny for the second time. We met him in early Jan, but had to push the second meetup a little bit later due to CNY and pre-wed photoshoot. After the first meetup w him, we knew deep down that we liked him. We like his sincerity, his honesty and most importantly, he listened to our ideas. No kidding – we both came prepared with an idea/concept in mind. Not forgetting, he went on to even draw things out for us when we didn’t catch what he was trying to say/visualise. He was so good that everytime we met a new ID, we used him as our benchmark. Time and again, he seem to be always at the back of our mind. Furthermore, when we meet more IDs after him, we get to find more questions for us to check w him (to see whether can he truly give us what we want). We will be seeing a few more IDs before we actually commit to him. But I want to make sure that before we sign the contract – he will have to come down to our unit to do one last check on the levelling of floors etc because we do not want him to suddenly drop us a bomb – eh I cant do this and that cos your main door is lower than the masterbedroom floor etc. You know – the disappointment will be unimaginable.

His space planning… I can see it coming!

As he was going over the quotations, he showed us a picture of his previous project in a monochrome colour/concept. We both instantly fell in love. Black grey and white bedroom. How can we resist? I might give IKEA bed a miss this time!


Front view. Minus the white cabinet.

Loving this Kitchen!

We were so excited – but had to resist signing any contract for now. We will need time to calculate our finances and meet more IDs to make more informed decision. This is the second big ticket purchase ok – so, better to make wise informed decision!

Our plan is to…
Jan-End Feb: Meet IDs
End March: Confirm ID + Take Reno Loan + Appeal for Screeding
April: Screeding to be done
End May: Full swing Home Reno to commence
End July: Complete Home Reno
August-Oct: Keep on buying home furniture and appliances
8th Oct 2017: Home Sweet Home at our lovely Abode!

Insha’allah we will get through this trying period! I hope to have our home ready in time for our wedding! 🙂

After a long day meeting 3 different IDs, we finally had our lunch at One KM Mall. Yes, famished and thirsty.


  1. Reply


    19th June 2017

    Thanks for the outstanding advice, it really is useful.

    • irmanadz

      17th May 2019

      Hey Lori, no problem at all. We are more than happy to share our experience with others 🙂

  2. Reply


    7th June 2017

    Great info. Blessed me I reach on your site
    by accident, I bookmarked it.

    • irmanadz

      17th May 2019

      Thank you Jesenia!

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Hi, we are Irman and Nadzirah. We love to travel around the world, especially together. Needless to say, together we find ourselves in pretty exciting experience as we travel round the world. Well, this blog is not just about travelling but to document every snippets of our life together from being just friends, to lovers to travel partners, to home owners and to many more milestones to come!