3D Design Draft 2 is in!
I am so psyched! It was just last weekend that we had the first reno work done in our home – aircon trunking. After which, we went down to submit our Defect Form and to our horror, the BSC guy said that our time planning is poor. How can we let aircon contractors coming in before submitting/checking/acknowledging those defects. To them, how can we justify that those scratches on main door/ room doors are not the cause of the contractors going in and out of our house. I had my reasons for submitting the form late – I wanted to make a thorough check on top of level floor in kitchen, service yard, common bathroom and master bathroom. I wanted to make sure that when I submit the forms, all defects were checked. Unless he do not mind me submitting bits and pieces right? Who wouldn’t mind? I should know best – I hate when students submit homework bit by bit. Same goes here? Apparently no. As a result, our reno might be on halt again. At least for another two weeks cos BSC must come in and check once more. Only then, we can start reno full swing. Oh wells.
That aside, Johnny surprised us with his Draft 2 of his 3D Design Proposals. Changes were made, but still have minor amendments to be made. I have an eye for details. So, I make sure that I scrutinize every little thing. But I understand the constraints – who would be able to find gold handles and gold taps right? Haha. But to his best ability, he shall produce a more accurate 3D design that is to our liking. I’m pretty sure he will 🙂
Our simple living room w minimal storage – I am not sure how we gonna find space for storage when the family grows… One solution – don’t buy unnecessary things around the house. Ibu was so particular about the animal hanging in the house. She barred me from having those hanging ard in the house. In her defense, “nanti malaikat tak masuk rumah”. Okay Ibu, it is just a 3D.
I asked Irman why do we spend so much for our master bathroom when we dont even sleep in the bathroom… This made me doubt my spending on a black shower head that cost us $683 and a brand new toilet bowl at $499. Adoi Nadz….
Major love with this room. Minus the white hanging lights. I don’t think I would like a white hanging lights. Just not white. Let me be clear – not white hanging lights. Abit of an eyesore.
Alright now, the more I look at the Draft 2, the more I am really excited for the whole outcome! Patience Nadz! On a sad note, we have made our biggest spending so far on the last weekend. Aircon for $5300, Electrical works for $3100, $4000 for Hood, Hob, Microwave, Hob, Toilet sink, kitchen basin, tissue rolls, toilet bowl, shower head and what -ever in the list! There goes our money. But for our home, we will spend.
And, as I am writing this blog at work (yes, cos I am sick of work), Johnny just texted us that our hexagon tiles for our master bathroom is now available for us. It was just weeks ago that Hafary contacted Johnny to say that the tiles were out of stock! Now, it is available! More good news – which equates to more bills coming in! Haha
This bertuah punya tiles is now available for us! Yeay. Now pending BSC and HDB approval to hack off master bathroom wall to add in a clear glass! I can see it coming woohoo!
With that, I hope that everything goes on smoothly! We are really am glad that Johnny has been with us throughout this journey, my parents who are supporting us when we were in need (you know what I mean la hor), Irman’s dad that has been fairly nice to allow us to use the car to transport us from one ID to another ID at the start of the year etc. We can do this! Yes we can!